dissabte, 8 de maig del 2010

A títol informatiu: El Catalan Day a Edimburg

8th of May, The Catalan Day in Edinburgh

12h. Excursion to Arthur's Seat 'Posem-hi la Senyera'. Meeting Point: The Scottish Parliament
15h. Friendly Football Match: Paisos Catalans vs International Team (bring your friends with you) on the Meadows. Meeting Point: The Playground, next to the Tennins Courts
16h. Catalan Culture Exhibition with: 'La Colla de Bastoners els Picadits de Vilassar de Mar"

From 17h, at the Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge
- Conference: The Catalan and the Scottish Nationalism by Dr. David McCrone (University of Edinburgh)
- Catalan Dinner (5£, children free). Please book a ticket sending an email to info@ccescocia.cat before the 4th of May. Bring your drinks with you.
- Concert with 'The Montgomery's: Catalan and Scottish songs!

Organized by: Jovent Catala a Escocia.
Support of: Centre Catala d'Escocia, Secretaria d'Afers Exteriors de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Comunitats Catalanes a l'Exterior.

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Cartell que ho va començar tot

Cartell que ho va començar tot
Primer cartell de la colla

Cartell provisional de la Bastonera de St. Andreu

Cartell provisional de la Bastonera de St. Andreu
Segon cartell de la colla